Welcome to Luther’s Catechism Podcast

Hello, and welcome to Luther’s Catechism Podcast – brought to you by The Way Church.

I’m Pastor Matt Rothe.

To educate, encourage, and equip, you in your Christian faith and for all your callings in life, this podcast will take listeners through Luther’s Small Catechism.

Since Martin Luther wrote the Small Catechism in 1529, it has been a treasure that has blessed and benefited many people …and all kinds of people.
Whether you are a parent or a child…
Whether you are new to Lutheranism or you’ve grown up in it…
Whether you are Christian pastor or you are a person exploring Christianity for the very first time
…No matter who you are… this podcast will be a place for you to GROW!

Listeners will walk through Luther’s Catechism, specifically the two-thousand and seventeen Anniversary Edition commemorating the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther posting of the Ninety-five Theses and the beginning of the Lutheran Reformation, published by Northwestern Publishing House.

Together we will study Luther's exposition on the six chief parts of Biblical doctrine:
the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Baptism,
the Use of Keys and Confession, and the Lord's Supper.
At times, I will offer brief commentary on Luther's exposition and the Bible verses that follow the questions sections, but mostly we will simply let Scripture speak for itself as an encouragement to Listeners to search God’s Word to discover God's answers.

Additionally, listeners can look forward to introductory and bonus episodes about
this Anniversary Edition of the small catechism,
about the author, Dr. Martin Luther,
about the history behind the formation and use of the Catechism,
and other various topics

Thank you for joining what is sure to be a rewarding study of Christian Doctrine on
Luther’s Catechism Podcast.
To quote Martin Luther’s closing words in his original introduction:

… may the Father of all grace help us, to whom be praise and thanks forever through Christ,
our Lord! Amen.

Welcome to Luther’s Catechism Podcast
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